Bolen Blood Analysis Chart
For Educational Purposes! This pdf of photographs are the various images you may encounter while looking through a microscope at a patient’s blood sample. This chart demonstrates 12 images you could see plus three before/after cases.
*The preview does not have each blood spot labeled, but the purchased version will have all 12 blood spots labeled as to what they indicate. Ex. heavy metals, severe inflammation, anemia, lupus, etc.
This is extremely useful in case management for the Vitalist Naturopath.
For Educational Purposes! This pdf of photographs are the various images you may encounter while looking through a microscope at a patient’s blood sample. This chart demonstrates 12 images you could see plus three before/after cases.
*The preview does not have each blood spot labeled, but the purchased version will have all 12 blood spots labeled as to what they indicate. Ex. heavy metals, severe inflammation, anemia, lupus, etc.
This is extremely useful in case management for the Vitalist Naturopath.
For Educational Purposes! This pdf of photographs are the various images you may encounter while looking through a microscope at a patient’s blood sample. This chart demonstrates 12 images you could see plus three before/after cases.
*The preview does not have each blood spot labeled, but the purchased version will have all 12 blood spots labeled as to what they indicate. Ex. heavy metals, severe inflammation, anemia, lupus, etc.
This is extremely useful in case management for the Vitalist Naturopath.